Wednesday 9 November 2011

great engineering wonders

Here at CW we like cool engineering. To help celebrate the achievements of the wider construction world, we’ve assembled a list of the projects we think constitute the greatest engineering achievements of the last decade.
You might not agree with all the entries, or their ranking, but the ingenuity behind each of these projects is undeniable. Each one also represents a massive leap of faith in the power of engineering to overcome the challenges of the natural world and to extend the boundaries of achievement.
Notably three of the entries are from China, which has led the world in unbridled engineering ambition over the last ten years. Each one of the Chinese projects seems determined to defy the limitations of its natural surroundings, as indeed do many of the others.

Saturday 17 September 2011


New Anti-Censorship Scheme Could Make It Impossible to Block Individual Web Sites

August 12, 2011 — A radical new approach to thwarting Internet censorship would essentially turn the whole Web into a proxy server, making it virtually impossible for a censoring government to block individual Web ... > full story

  • Abbriviations --

    BAL  :   Basic assembly language.

    .BAT :  batch processing (file extension).

    .bak    :  backup file.

    .jar  :   java archieve file.

    .RAR :   RAR stands for Roshal ARchive. It is a non-documented archive file format that
                   supports data compression, error recovery, and file spanning. ...

    Monday 11 July 2011